Friday, April 03, 2020

UGC FAN-MADE GAMES horror examples

Look out for earlier posts here or the DBHorror blog on Brigid Cherry's study of UGC in film, specifically how fans have massively extended the official texts of the Scream franchise with fan-fiction, fan-art and more - and she was writing a few years ago now; continuing convergence has enhanced the scope for doing this.

Indeed, the focus of this article (hyperlink below) is on unofficial UGC, fan-made games - including the Friday the 13th example that the franchise producer liked so much that he made it into the officially licensed game! We've also seen browser-based Flash games, like Shaun of the Dead Pacman (actually created by film producer Working Title, unusually, NOT the distributor StudioCanal/Universal), used as smart marketing strategies - showing that convergence is long established within film distribution and marketing.

If producing film coursework yourself, mock up a game cover or screenshot - a neat way of showing audience engagement. If producing a full (whether short or feature) film could you go the extra mile and produce an actual game? It's not THAT difficult or expensive to do in this highly converged era!!

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