Monday, January 13, 2020

HOLLYWOOD ACCOUNTING how hits post losses

I've mentioned this quite a few times - and the excellent book that tracks Miramax's central role in 80s/90s cinema details many examples of this...

How film companies manage to massage expenses to claim that huge hit films actually made a loss ... thus not having to pay anything to those with 'points' (multiples of 0.25% shares) in profits.

Nice article on this:

Sunday, January 12, 2020

BOX OFFICE US quarter of global take Disney triple rivals

2019 was a record year for global box office take. The US market was down 4.4% but still over $11bn, with a global $42.5 box office. Naturally the big 5 will try to play it safe with fare that can appeal so widely, though there were multiple $100m+ US takes from original, non-franchise movies like Tarantino's latest, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, alongside the glut of global billion dollar franchise hits.

Disney took a third of the US market, and the top 5 biggest hits, with its nearest rivals back on just 11%. Surely therefore 2020 will see a mega-merger of 2 of these? Universal buying Paramount perhaps?
